Making disciples for Jesus
An individual accepts Jesus as their Lord and Savior, coming forward at the end of the worship service, and confessing their faith in Him. Afterwards, many come up and shake their hand and tell them, “Congratulations! Welcome to our congregations!”
When everyone leaves, and the new believer heads for home, they may think, “Now what do I do?”
As believers, we are commanded by Christ in Matthew 28:19-20,
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Making disciples for Jesus. That’s what we are to do. Not just shake their hand and wish them well. But, how do we do that? That’s what Matheteuo is here to do; help you make disciples.
All Are Welcome!
Making disciples isn’t a cookie-cutter program. It’s not a one-size-fits-all class for all new believers to attend. It’s personal.
Believers come from all walks of life and backgrounds. Some are highly intelligent, while others like things simple. Fortunately, Christ meets every one of us where we are and accepts us for who we are. His love for His followers is all-encompassing.
As a disciple-maker, we too are to accept and love each person, helping them to discover what it means to be a Christian and live their life for Christ.

Direction, Support, and Resources
Our focus is to provide you with direction, support, and resources to help you become a maker of disciples for Jesus.
A new disciple needs direction from a disciple-maker to get started in this new life for Christ. The framework for this plan is a scriptural-based model to help you and them grow in Christ.
Feel free to contact us for help or any questions you may have.
All of our resources are free of charge. We may direct you to books and pamphlets where charges apply, but all of our materials are free for you to use.